Thursday, February 28, 2019

10 Things...Day 3

1. Up as the sun rose. It flooded the house with golden light as it came over the trees.

2. It is still so windy and I am still feeling prickly and I slept funny so I have a crick in my neck.

3. 10 minutes of writing. It’s good to write through feelings but I remind myself I need to take action too.

4. Errands. A bunch of stores but we only needed a few things in each. People were so slow and annoyed me!

5. It is so cold and so windy and I said “hurry up!” More times and much more impatiently than I should have.

6. What do I need? What can I give to myself?

7. More water. Close my eyes for 20 minutes. Dance party with the girls.

8. Sausage, pepper & onion sandwiches for supper.

9. I love that it’s still light out at 5:55pm.

10. Knitting and Big Bang Theory before bed. I need to start going to bed before 11.

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